Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015

Tree of Life questionable?

Is the tree of life realy the tree of life? Is'nt it only an artefact of symbolic of belong resp. concerning the question? 

The tree of Life is the tree of to live? There are many links (wikipedia) about, i.e. the philosopher +James Dubreze made an approach (on: link) to that inspiration and I fetch my geometrical programm Cinderella-2 (for free) to have an closer look to that magical entry brought up from the ancient times. There is much about and also similiar of theosophy, ontologic, and so called "zoe" by the canonical of philosophy about. Why they are mystic in Jewish, especially by +Madonna? ... For the short I made some different constructions and snap some pictures even some little animation by several named points (see also: KT-Kabbalah).

This is an first example about such constructive. You see two draft pictures. That's in an planar 2 Dim case so called Euclidean view. The polar Euclidean is shown in the right picture. 

But there other view's like the polar spherical left, and also the spherical view middle and right in other perspective.

The  Sphere is an 3 Dim object, so the lines are on the surface, otherwise it will be an more complex form. See what happend if we make an little more simple animation with the points that symbolize the "worlds" in that 'Tree of Life': 

The greater circle is the field of cause. There can be done much more by several projections and transformations like for every constructive in 'unfolded developing' anyhow i.e. the circles and lines can be much other and also not restricted to the points, thus result outer intersections. Also the intersection of planes (coloured) are proportional by the motion. The n-edged and/or triangle constructives. Think about the mechanical. That is not done here. I made two draft, one by the constructive line of the 'kaballah' and one with some coloring the plane elements for to show. The two pictures from the sphere'ical view result from the sphere form the constructive is projected onto. The polar-spherical view is some funny. See what happend with the other in animation: 

In his posts +James Dubreze made some suggestion about "interpretation". I comment some and made it relative, while its clear it is. Every being interpretate, there can't be other. Thats why I am an philosopher too, but also Hans Lenk who wrote several books about "interpretation", "Deutung und Wertung" a.o., they/them all bullshit of idiotic syncrasie because of personal. I had known the philosopher Hans Lenk since long times, he always told me "Dear, You must more write what You own think", but a last I think that was some excuse, is to much complicated to explain here. 

On page (on: page) I made some more with the symbolic given from +James Dubreze

In my posts here I try to show the thought thats beings and human have "patterns" (Dubreze also too in his posts), that is anyhow depend on the enviroment there are. Note, nowbody knows, even the great +Madonna artress, especiall the Kaballa, what going on by that patterns about. Note that Keter and Malchut (the fuck off high and low~), also that especiall ´the female and the male branch´ are different, were i.e. Tiffereth has an bigger quality of vilant and struggle, but is some more important "... what happend to the tree...", +Dido sang in "Life for rent". The "Zoé" is an special term from renegade and somehow depressed theosophy "I am", "Meister Laer told ..." by poetry u.k. All of that may concern thats patterns, but that is'nt and there is no machine which made an more specific proability of statistics for the special sequences. At most we hold to small talk of interpretation - that are the patterns. But in time, with time and from time we get more and more suspect about the simpleness of that. Patterns are and may be more and more, thats why because "pattern match" several universalities, similiar questionable is not by the given pattern and term hold, because there is other interpretation of that what may be uninteresting and stupid too. The idiotic will always produce idiotic ... thats the truly game of life. "The point" is an fuck off idiotic syncresy and always much agressive than any complex. Most people do not know something, because they satisfied by selfish. Any of the actor and arts talk all time long any bullshit of theire inspiration ... of course they do because them patterns. All of thems shall be so until they death/delete and any time by that they talk and think not the(ms) all bullshit they made .... thats the very point of view and conscious too.

It's some important... One time a girlfriend said to me: "Write a critic onto the magic?", I want, but rested in "The magic is itself!", thats true but from an point view in magic, where differentiate that existing is not magic but it is and also interpretation. And that's the very point about that mysterical, "were there is no mystery" it is and the pattern is mystery to the pure nature materia anyhow.

The Kabbalah was brought up from ancient times nearly 1000 BC from the more East the mass migration landed with theire artefacts. The anyhow 'Arabian' stated to destroyed theire artefact of that kind, but not the tree of life, was written by an  unknown not spoken man -greetings Zor-El. The crowded people enacted to make theire socials year by year an other world, they elected each year an councillourship for especial the different of worlds from that paper written. The times where different, some years are lousy harvest because the sun and rain, some years there had been good cloth because the sheeps, some years there had been good fruits because the minerals in the terrain and so on. Past 80 years they decide do burn resp. consume by fire/combust this paper, ... they could not, the paper do not burn! Nearly thirty years 'when the moon was high´ they tried to burn down this paper of artefact. At last they shred this artefact paper and and a cup of glas also too. But up to now this times the known patterns of that new times gone, and they started some was long ago gone, the new Islamic word, it was nearly 335 BC. The elder told from, i.e. educational of myths and sayings. And the Jewish fetch that ideom and wrote down an new paper about that 'kabbalah' - that was the new Kabbalah of 'magic' of that spirit. Thats the true story about the nearly origin myth about.                                

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