Dienstag, 23. September 2014

Science may be confusion of dimensions ...

Nowadays every born living in flesh is for ever full dull as existence in universe is possible at all. That’s life my very soul, that’s is every edge shall be in every faculties.  While there is only idiotic of discussion about everywhere and anything from and about … that may be worry confusion from the used space formula. So the story goes for everything ever until all put to death ~ the great enlighten enlightener. The one only function of quarcs and elementary particle atom written in the bibles and character sign spot for evolution humanity it is and has to be.
So let me explain why it is:  
There is no sense of any understanding of quantum theory is anything from that frequency  = h/2π (1), E = h*f and so on, where h is the quantum of action known as the Planck constant is called by divided by 2π reduced Planck constant and much more of every so called constant physical’ists resp. ~id. Simple e.g.: 2π = h/ is true if (1) is true, so are the maths. So far that will match with every formula, e.g. U = d*π where U = d*h/2and so forth for anything. While U is the circumference for wavelength there is unit contradiction to the unit wavelength 2π even about the special case of irrational numbers times “2”, philosophic in universe, otherwise not is false. Hence anyone of the complete idiotic of some anyhow empirical theoretic of physics faculty (metaphysic?) there is stated that may be alternative parallel-universe and plenty of, but unfortunately in real universe existence there is also something like the black holes said by several humans height, thems suck since the very beginning big bang <D ;) stated anyhow scientifically by the matter. It is an truth argument by the lunatic people for psychiatric that these cases of pure idiotic impose about for to know to be aware is wrong resp. in means of logical false in that hereditary of for most positivistic physicality of objective. Thus the definition/defined of metaphysics in philosophy academicals is even idiotic bullshit like the personals they are, where self referenced that exact pure material nature is criticized means logical true. Anyone can say “the alien(s) brought up false so I am hic nuc righteous about earthy reals  onto (!)” is entity of fact. Anyone can put the solved 2π equivalence in formulary of behalf results in mathematical right uncertain true or false where the physical objective from that formula is false is moreover mysterious twice of uncertain. That’s anyhow also the transcendence from that actor, film fabric and so on, unreal of real to human or what humans has to be. One may say humans are as stupid as cosmology of nature can be. So another can state for real true that there are all measurements done by existing technology. That is considerably mathematical right by the formulae, otherwise they false even by substantial percent of whatever is 100% percent matter of fact of motion resp. dynamics is about. Let me say an radiation telescope is of measurement about some kind of so called spectrum-value wavelength. That is what physical material resp. energy from at locus point of view. We possibly see the micro’scope from seemingly objective is supposed e.g. thousand million light-years far the first point of object space and if the measured action was not a very short expose time and may be ten day long, than the sequence measurement was ten light days. Done little digital colored hence one can shout “So is that part of universe!” objective like Einstein said by the formula for the most right of true pure energy ~given once. Everyone knows the formula for relativity of human knowledge for practice intellectual scientific. Because of that there is knowledge academic of human for sure.
Thems all fulfilled idiots even in politics of existence too. And that also the one of real’s it is to be known for all humanity. That’s why the death is mysterious of that kind spiritual and religious in virtue. That’s the knowledge and real truth of otherwise is not is true. Thus gospel in as much idiotic dull will be the at most being of ongoing. At most more of all that kind alike physical science of depends and referred to e.g. that ´black holes´, time and space, reality of scientific vision. And well for sure, that’s also the only one is told for believe. Everyone know that thems the conditioned bastard crime existence nature of biological …”if U”… is consistency within. There is no other from any quantum of intellectual reason.
I do not cry for technical because there is for sure only crime of bastards at all. Life at all is put to death every enemy every times, the way of health and the way of conscious soul and everything. That’s the real true it is.   

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